It’s a topic we often brush under the carpet, yet it exists in many households – jealousy among relatives. We tend to associate jealousy with competitive peers or love interests; however, this green-eyed monster doesn’t spare family dynamics.
From aunties comparing achievements to uncles measuring success, from cousins harbouring resentment to even grandparents playing favourites – family jealousy is an intricate web that weaves itself into the fabric of familial relationships.
As uncomfortable as it may be, addressing these issues is crucial for the family’s harmony.
In this article, we delve into this less-talked-about aspect of family life, shedding light on its causes, impacts, and potential solutions.

Can Relatives Be Jealous Of You?
Can Relatives Be Jealous Of You? Absolutely. It might be difficult to believe, especially given the pervasive idea that family is supposed to provide unconditional support and love. Yet, jealousy is a universal human emotion, and no relationship – not even familial ones – is immune to it.
Jealousy among relatives might manifest itself in various ways, from subtle negative comments to overt expressions of resentment. It could be triggered by a range of factors, such as perceived favouritism, disparities in achievement, or feelings of inadequacy.
While it’s unpleasant to acknowledge that a family member might harbour envy towards you, recognizing this possibility is the first step towards addressing the issue and working towards healthier family dynamics.
Identifying Jealousy Among Relatives
Recognizing jealousy within family dynamics can be challenging, as it’s often masked with concern or veiled behind ‘friendly’ banter. However, several signs may indicate that a relative is jealous of you.
Firstly, pay attention to consistent negative or dismissive comments about your accomplishments. If a relative constantly downplays your achievements or success, it might be an indicator of underlying jealousy.
Secondly, observe their reaction to your good news. A jealous relative might react indifferently or change the subject quickly when you share your successes. They may also attempt to overshadow your news with their own or find a way to insert a negative spin.
Thirdly, excessive criticism or unsolicited advice could signify jealousy. If a family member is always pointing out your flaws or telling you how they would’ve done things differently, they might be trying to undermine your confidence due to their own feelings of envy.
Lastly, pay attention to their body language. Non-verbal cues such as avoidant eye contact, crossed arms, or forced smiles when you’re sharing good news might suggest their discomfort with your achievement.
In such cases, it’s important to maintain your self-esteem and not let their jealousy affect your happiness or success. Remember, their feelings of jealousy are more about them than about you.
What To Do When Family Members Are Jealous Of You?
If you find yourself in a situation where family members seem jealous of you, it can be quite disheartening. However, there are strategies you can adopt to navigate this tricky terrain.
Firstly, maintain open and honest communication. Address your concerns directly but respectfully. Explain that you’ve noticed certain behaviours that make you uncomfortable without outright accusing them of jealousy. This approach might open a dialogue where feelings can be expressed, and misunderstandings can be clarified.
Secondly, reaffirm your mutual bonds. Family is about love and support, so remind your relatives about these shared values. Celebrate their achievements genuinely, offer help when they need it, and try to be inclusive in your success. This could potentially reduce their feelings of envy.
Thirdly, set boundaries. If the jealousy continues or escalates to toxic levels, it might be necessary to limit your interactions. Protecting your mental health and maintaining a positive environment for yourself is crucial.
Lastly, consider seeking professional help. If the family jealousy is deeply ingrained and causing significant strife, involving a family counsellor or mediator might be beneficial. A professional can provide guidance, offer strategies for resolution, and help navigate the emotional complexities involved.
Remember that you cannot control how others feel or act, but you can control your response to it. A healthy, respectful approach can go a long way in maintaining family harmony while ensuring your well-being.
Does Jealousy Run In Families?
As an emotion, jealousy does not inherently “run” in families like a genetic trait or a family tradition. However, it’s important to understand that the environment and dynamics within a family can foster feelings of jealousy.
It may become a learned behaviour if children are raised in an environment where comparison and competition are frequently emphasized, or if parents and other family members openly display jealousy.
In these cases, jealousy can seem to ‘run’ in families because it is a behaviour and mindset that is unconsciously passed down through generations.
It’s crucial to remember that such patterns can be unlearned and replaced with healthier emotional responses with effort and, in some cases, professional support.
Final Mindful Thoughts
Family jealousy is a complex and often uncomfortable, but recognizing and addressing it appropriately is essential for maintaining a healthy family dynamic.
Remember, jealousy reflects the person feeling it more than the individual it’s directed towards.
If you are in the challenging position of dealing with envious relatives, keep communication open, reaffirm your mutual bonds, set necessary boundaries, and seek professional help.
Remember, you cannot control others’ emotions, but you can control your reaction to them. Strive to maintain your self-esteem and cultivate a positive environment for yourself and your family.
After all, family should be a source of love, support, and pride, not a breeding ground for envy and resentment.