Tarot cards have been around for centuries, with their mysterious symbols and powerful messages encouraging people to explore the depths of their inner selves.
Yet despite their long history, tarot cards remain shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. Many people believe myths about tarot cards that simply aren’t true.
As a general rule, some common myths around tarot cards include, that tarot cards predict the future, that tarot cards are evil and finally, that you need to have psychic powers to read tarot cards. These assumptions are not true.
In this article, we will look at seven of the most common myths surrounding tarot cards and explain why they are false.

What Are Tarot Cards?
Tarot cards are an ancient form of divination, originating from Europe in the mid-15th century. They consist of 78 cards divided into two distinct sections; the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that represent major life events such as The Fool, The Magician,The High Priestess, and The World.
In contrast, the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards that represent daily life events such as Cups (happiness and love), Swords (conflict and aggression), Pentacles (finances) and Wands (creativity).
What Are The Most Common Myths About Tarot Cards?
Here are the seven most common misconceptions about tarot cards:
1. Tarot Cards Predict the Future
It is a common misconception that tarot cards can predict the future, when in fact they cannot. Tarot cards provide insight into potential paths and help people to make decisions, but their readings do not determine a person’s destiny.
2. Tarot Cards Are Evil
Another common myth about tarot cards is that they are evil and should be avoided. This is not true; tarot cards can be used as a tool for personal growth, healing, and understanding. Many people find them to be helpful in navigating difficult times in their lives.
3. Tarot Readings Take a Long Time
While some tarot readers may take longer than others, most readings only last a few minutes. This means that it’s possible to receive meaningful guidance in just a short amount of time.
4. You Need to Be Psychic to Read Tarot Cards
Another myth is that you need special psychic abilities or powers to read tarot cards. This is not true; anyone can learn to read tarot cards with practice and dedication.
5. Tarot Cards Tell You What To Do
Although tarot readings provide guidance, they are not meant to tell you what to do or how to live your life. The interpretations of the cards should be used as a tool for reflection and introspection so that you can make your own decisions.
6. Tarot Cards Are Always Accurate
While tarot readings can offer insight, they are not always accurate or reliable. Some readings may be more meaningful than others; it’s important to remember that interpretations can depend on the reader and the circumstances.
7. Tarot Readings Should Not Be Taken Seriously
People often dismiss tarot readings as entertainment, but they can be a powerful tool for self-exploration and understanding. It’s important to take what you hear in a reading seriously and use it as an opportunity to discover more about yourself. For example, if you don’t like what you hear or a specific part of the reading really resonates with you, then you know that this is important in your life and should be worked on.
By understanding the truth behind these myths, you can approach tarot cards with less fear and more curiosity. Taking the time to learn more about tarot cards can help you make the most out of your readings and use them as a tool for self-discovery.
Are Tarot Cards Evil?
No, tarot cards are not evil. They actually come from a spiritual source and are used as a tool for self-reflection, meditation, and understanding of the world. Tarot cards can be seen as symbols of our own intuition – they provide insight into our lives by highlighting areas that may need to be improved or changed.
Do Tarot Cards Predict The Future?
No, tarot cards do not predict the future. The cards are meant to provide guidance and insight into an individual’s current situation or life path. They can offer advice on how to best move forward, but they do not predict the future.
Do You Need To Have Psychic Powers To Read Tarot Cards?
No, you do not need to have psychic powers to read tarot cards. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to explore the symbolism of the cards. With some practice, anyone can learn how to read tarot cards.
Do Tarot Cards Require Special Rituals?
No, tarot cards do not require special rituals or spells. Tarot readings are simply meant to provide guidance on your current life path or situation. Many people like to practice certain rituals before their tarot readings, such as burning incense or lighting a candle. This can help set the mood for a more meaningful tarot reading experience.
Are Tarot Cards Forbidden By Major Religions?
No, tarot cards are not forbidden by any major religion. In fact, some religious institutions even use them for guidance and reflection. It is important to remember that tarot cards are simply a tool for exploration – they should never be used to replace traditional religious practice or replace any form of spiritual guidance from the clergy.
Final Mindful Thoughts
In conclusion, tarot cards are not evil nor do they predict the future. They provide insight into potential paths and help people to make decisions but their readings do not determine a person’s destiny.
It is important to remember that tarot cards should be used as a tool for reflection and introspection so that you can make your own decisions.
With some practice, anyone can learn how to read tarot cards and use them as an opportunity to discover more about themselves.