In the mystical world of tarot, we encounter many intriguing questions, each with the potential to unleash a whirlwind of thoughts and theories. One topic that frequently piques interest is the possibility of discerning what others think of us using these symbolic cards.
Tarot cannot directly reveal what others think of you. It is a tool for introspection and self-reflection. However, it can provide insights into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, which may influence how others perceive you.
Ultimately, understanding yourself better can contribute to building stronger relationships with others.
In this article, I will delve into my personal experiences of using tarot to try and understand the feelings of others.

Can You Guess What Others Think Of You From Tarot?
In my experience, the tarot isn’t a crystal ball that can be used to peer into the minds of others. It’s not a device for eavesdropping on private thoughts or feelings. Rather, it’s a mirror reflecting our own inner world back to us.
Its symbolic imagery helps us delve deeper into our subconscious, bringing our thoughts, feelings, and motivations into clearer focus.
While it’s tempting to think we can use tarot to decode what others think of us, this isn’t what the tarot is designed for. Instead, it encourages us to look inward, fostering self-awareness and personal growth. This can indirectly influence how others perceive us by helping us to become more authentic and self-assured individuals.
Can You Read Someone’s Tarot Cards Without Them Knowing?
Reflecting on my experiences, I would say it’s technically possible to draw and interpret Tarot cards for someone without their knowledge, but it’s not something I personally endorse or practice.
Tarot reading is a deeply personal and intimate process that respects the person’s consent, participation, and engagement. It is this interactive energy exchange that adds depth and personal meaning to the reading.
Attempting to read someone’s Tarot without their knowledge could infringe on their personal boundaries and could result in misleading or out-of-context interpretations. I always advise seeking permission, ensuring an ethical, respectful, and insightful Tarot reading experience.
Can You Ask Questions About Others In Your Own Tarot Reading?
In my journey with tarot, I’ve found that you can inquire about others in your own tarot reading. However, it’s essential to approach this with care. The focus should always be on your relationship with that person or how to deal with a specific situation rather than prying into someone else’s life without their consent.
For example, if you are struggling with a conflict with a friend, instead of asking, “What is my friend thinking?” a more respectful and insightful question might be, “What can I do to resolve the conflict with my friend?” This way, the tarot becomes a tool for your own personal growth and understanding rather than an instrument to invade the privacy of others.
Remember, tarot is a tool for personal introspection and guidance, not a means to infringe on another’s personal space or thoughts. It’s always important to maintain respect for others’ privacy and personal boundaries in your tarot practice.
Can I Tell If Someone Likes Me From Tarot?
In my personal experience, tarot readings can provide nuanced perspectives about personal relationships, but they are not designed to definitively answer questions like “Does someone like me?”.
The tarot can certainly help explore your feelings towards someone and your relationship dynamics with them. However, it’s important to remember that tarot is not a tool for mind reading.
It is a mirror to our own subconscious and a guide for personal growth and introspection. So, while a tarot reading can aid in clarifying your feelings and potentially provide insight into your interactions with others, it cannot definitively tell you if someone likes you. The true answer to that can only come from open, honest communication with the person in question.
Are You Supposed to Touch Someone Else’s Tarot Cards?
From my personal tarot journey, I can tell you that touching someone else’s tarot cards is a subject of much debate and largely depends on personal beliefs and practices. Some readers may allow you to shuffle their deck or pick your cards, believing your energy can enhance the reading. Others, however, consider their decks sacred and personal, preferring not to have others touch their cards.
In my practice, I treat my tarot deck with great reverence and prefer not to have others handle my cards, maintaining the purity of my personal energy within the deck. However, I allow those I’m reading to cut the deck after I shuffle to symbolically involve them in the reading process.
Always remember to respect the beliefs and preferences of the tarot reader. If you’re unsure, asking for permission before touching someone else’s tarot cards is always best.
Final Mindful Thoughts
The magic of tarot cards lies not in their ability to read minds or provide a voyeuristic peek into someone else’s thoughts but in their profound power to prompt self-reflection and personal growth. Through their symbolic and metaphorical imagery, tarot cards encourage us to delve into our subconscious and shed light on our deepest thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
From my personal journey, I have learnt that although it’s tempting to use tarot as a tool to uncover what others think of us or to try to read someone else’s cards without their knowledge, it’s not ethical or productive. Instead, I believe tarot should be used as a tool for introspection, self-discovery, and personal growth. This can indirectly influence how others perceive us, helping us become more authentic and self-assured.
The etiquette of touching someone else’s tarot cards varies widely depending on personal beliefs and preferences. Out of respect, always ask for permission before handling someone else’s deck. Although tarot can provide nuanced insights into your interpersonal dynamics, it’s important to remember that it’s not a substitute for open, honest communication.
Embrace tarot as a beautiful, mystical tool for enhancing your understanding of yourself and your place in the cosmos. Use it to confront your fears, explore your dreams, and navigate the complex landscape of your inner self. But remember to always use it with respect for others’ personal boundaries and privacy. The power of tarot lies within you, not in the minds of others.