I often get asked, “How should I shuffle my tarot cards?” It’s a seemingly simple question but one packed with nuance. Shuffling your tarot cards is more than just a mechanical activity—it’s a crucial step in divination, a sacred exchange between you and the cards.
To shuffle tarot cards, start by focusing on your intention or question. Riffle shuffle or mix them face down, then cut the deck with your left hand. Reassemble the deck and repeat it a few times. Trust your intuition and choose a method that feels right for you.
Whether you’re curious about the right technique to avoid damaging your precious deck, wondering how long you should shuffle to achieve the best connection, questioning how often you need to shuffle or are intrigued about the significance of a card falling out during shuffling—these questions I will answer in this article.
In the following paragraphs, I’ll demystify these points, guiding you toward becoming a more accomplished tarot reader.

How Should I Shuffle Tarot Cards?
The first step in shuffling your tarot cards is establishing a calm, quiet environment where you can focus on your intention without disruption. Then, take a moment to ground yourself through a short meditation or simply by taking a few deep breaths. After that, pick up your deck and hold it in both hands while focusing on your question or intention.
Now, onto the shuffling. You have a few options here. You can perform a riffle shuffle or an overhand shuffle, just like you would with a standard deck of playing cards. However, treating your cards gently is essential to avoid any damage.
Alternatively, you can spread all the cards face down on a table and swirl them around with your hands. This method is often called “washing” the deck, and it’s a great way to mix up the cards without causing any wear and tear.
As for the question of how long you should shuffle your tarot cards, it really depends on your intuition. Some people shuffle until they feel an inner ‘stop’. In contrast, others shuffle a specific number of times related to numerology or personal preference.
Remember, shuffling your tarot cards isn’t just about randomizing them—it’s an intimate and spiritual exercise that prepares you and the cards for the reading. Respect your cards, trust your intuition, and don’t rush the process.
How Long Should You Shuffle Tarot Cards?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer regarding how long you should shuffle your tarot cards. Some tarot readers shuffle until they feel complete or when a card pops out of the deck. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. It’s more about reaching a state where you feel intimately connected with your cards and confident that they’ve been sufficiently mixed.
Others might use numerical significance as a guide, shuffling a certain number of times that holds personal or spiritual meaning. For example, you might shuffle your deck three times for the sacred and magical connotations associated with the number three in numerology.
The key point here is to remember that shuffling your tarot cards is less about adhering to a rigid timing structure and more about creating a meaningful, respectful ritual that aligns with your personal energy and intention. So, shuffle for as long as feels right for you—it’s your reading, your way.
How Often Should I Shuffle My Tarot Cards?
The frequency of shuffling your tarot cards is another aspect primarily guided by personal intuition and the nature of the reading. Some tarot readers prefer to shuffle their deck before each new reading to clear any residual energy from the previous reading and start fresh. This approach ensures that each reading is unique and unbiased by past readings.
On the other hand, if you’re asking multiple questions within the same reading or regarding the same situation, you may choose to shuffle your cards between questions. This method helps to reset the energy of the deck, providing a clean slate for each new question or topic.
However, there are instances where you might feel drawn not to shuffle between questions or readings. This could be the case if you feel that the energy or answers from the previous reading are still relevant or are meant to inform the current reading.
Ultimately, the frequency with which you shuffle your tarot cards should be dictated by your intuition, the nature of your questions, and the energy you perceive from your deck. Remember, tarot is a deeply personal practice, and the most important thing is to stay true to your feelings and instincts.
What Does It Mean If A Tarot Card Falls Out While Shuffling?
During a tarot reading, you may occasionally have a card that falls out of the deck during shuffling. This is often referred to as a “jumper” card. Rather than dismissing this as an accident, many tarot readers interpret this as a significant message— the tarot’s way of saying, “Pay attention to this!”
Jumper cards are believed to be particularly relevant to the querent or the question at hand. Some readers consider them to be urgent messages from the Universe, Spirit, or your inner self. In this case, take a moment to contemplate the meaning of the card that has jumped out. It could offer valuable insight, or it may alter the direction of the reading entirely.
However, remember this is your reading, and how you choose to interpret jumper cards, like all aspects of tarot, is entirely up to you. If it doesn’t feel right or make sense in the context of your question or intuition, you are free to reshuffle it back into the deck.
From a practical standpoint, ensure your cards are not slippery or on a slanted surface to avoid literal slips. But if you’ve taken care of these aspects and a card still chooses to leap from the deck—consider it an invitation to delve deeper into its message. Trust your intuition and embrace the wisdom the tarot has to offer.
Final Mindful Thoughts
In conclusion, the art of shuffling your tarot cards isn’t simply a matter of randomizing the deck. It’s a deeply personal and spiritual process, a ritual that prepares both you and your cards for the reading ahead.
Respecting your cards, trusting your intuition, and understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all approach are at the heart of this process. Whether you’re wondering how long to shuffle, how often, or what it means when a card falls out while shuffling, it all boils down to what resonates with you and aligns with your intention.
Tarot is a beautiful, mystical tool that offers guidance, clarity, and insight. Embrace its wisdom, trust its process, and create a personal shuffling ritual that feels right to you. Remember, it’s your reading, your way.