Remote viewing, as it’s termed, is the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant object, place or person. The remote viewer can obtain this information without using their physical senses or any other obvious means. In my opinion, it’s like having a superpower!
But how can you tell if you remotely view an object or just use your imagination?
Distinguishing between remote viewing and imagination can be challenging. Look for specific details, accuracy, and consistency in your perceptions. Document and compare your impressions with actual targets to validate the information.
Practice, feedback, and honing your skills can help differentiate genuine remote viewing from imaginative constructs.
As we delve further into this topic, we will explore key indicators to help distinguish between mere imaginative play and actual remote viewing.

What Is Remote Viewing?
Remote viewing is a fascinating and somewhat mysterious skill. It involves an individual, referred to as a ‘viewer’, accessing and describing details about a target – a person, object, place, or event – that is hidden from the normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding.
This skill does not depend on the viewer’s proximity to the target or their knowledge. It’s as though the viewer can tap into a sort of ‘universal consciousness’ to gather information that is otherwise inaccessible.
What’s remarkable about remote viewing is that it’s not something confined to the realms of science fiction or the extraordinary abilities of a select few; with practice and proper guidance, anyone can learn to remote view.
Key Indicators of Remote Viewing
Here is a list of 11 indicators that can help you identify if you are truly remote viewing or just using your imagination.
1. Unexpected Terrain
One of the surefire signs of actual remote viewing is encountering unexpected terrain. When you’re using your imagination, you often visualize familiar settings or scenarios based on past experiences or desires. However, in remote viewing, you may observe an unfamiliar landscape or environment you wouldn’t have thought of.
This could be a unique architectural structure, a specific pattern of landscape, or unique elements within a scene. When you validate your remote viewing session, you might be surprised to find these details align accurately with the target, indicating that you were actually remote viewing and not just using your imagination.
2. Unfamiliar Sights
When attempting to remote view a target, you may also encounter sights unfamiliar to you. These can be objects or people that don’t look like anything or anyone you’ve seen before. You might notice strange colours, shapes, and textures.
If these impressions match up with the target when it’s revealed – even if it doesn’t have any personal meaning for you – then it’s a strong indication that you were actually remote viewing.
3. Consistent Impressions
Another key indicator of actual remote viewing versus imagination is the consistency of the impressions you receive. In other words, the details about the target tend to remain the same across different viewing sessions. In contrast, when using your imagination, the details of the scenarios you create can change and evolve over time.
For instance, if you’re remote viewing a particular location and consistently sense the presence of water or consistently perceive the colour red, those consistent impressions can be a strong sign that you are genuinely remote viewing, especially if these details are later confirmed to be accurate.
Remote viewing is about receiving clear, objective information about your target, irrespective of your biases or expectations.
4. Involuntary Visualizations
Another compelling sign that separates remote viewing from imagination is the occurrence of involuntary visualizations. When you are truly remote viewing, the images or senses come to you rather than you consciously create them. These visualizations seem to ‘pop’ into your consciousness, often unpredictably and without any associated thought process.
This starkly contrasts the imaginative process where you are the director of the scenes you create. The things you visualize while using your imagination are often under your control, influenced by your thoughts, wishes, or fears.
In contrast, the involuntary nature of visualizations in remote viewing can sometimes result in images or senses that may seem irrelevant, strange, or even shocking. These are not manipulated or influenced by your personal biases or desires, making them more likely to provide accurate and unbiased information about the target.
Do bear in mind, however, that while these indicators can be helpful in determining whether you are remote viewing, they are not foolproof. The definitive validation comes from the accuracy of the information you receive compared to the actual target data. The more you practice, the better you will become at distinguishing the subtleties between remote viewing and imagination, improving your success rate over time.
5. Presence Of Emotion
An interesting aspect of remote viewing is the presence of emotion. When you’re truly remote viewing, you might experience unanticipated emotions that don’t link back to your current state of mind or immediate circumstances. Imagine suddenly feeling a wave of happiness or an inexplicable sense of urgency. These emotions can be tied to the target you’re viewing and serve as an additional layer of perception.
In contrast, when you’re using your imagination, the emotions you experience often correlate directly with your personal feelings or the scenario you’re constructing in your mind. The emotions are usually familiar because they’re derived from your own experiences and understanding. Therefore, an unexpected emotional reaction during a remote viewing session can indicate that you’re tapping into something beyond your imagination.
6. Physical Sensations
When you’re remote viewing, you might physically react to the target you’re viewing. For instance, you might perceive a change in temperature, a taste in your mouth, or a sensation on your skin that’s not related to your immediate environment. These sensations come seemingly out of nowhere, and they can be very specific, such as the coldness of metal, the grittiness of sand, or the taste of salt.
On the other hand, when you’re using your imagination, physical sensations are typically absent. Your focus is on constructing a mental image, not on feeling or experiencing physical reactions.
So, if you find yourself experiencing unexplained physical sensations during a viewing session, it’s a strong sign that you’re tapping into the realm of remote viewing and not just using your imagination. These physical responses can provide additional insight into your target and enhance the accuracy of your viewing sessions.
7. Spatial Awareness
A noteworthy characteristic of genuine remote viewing is the experience of spatial awareness or a deep sense of location. When you’re remote viewing, you may feel as if you’re actually present at the target location. You might perceive your position in relation to the elements within the target scene, whether they’re above, below, or beside you. You might also sense the scale of objects, the distances between them, or even the movement within the scene.
In contrast, these spatial details may not be as pronounced or consistent when you’re using your imagination. Your imagined scenes can often resemble flat images or brief animations, lacking depth and dimensionality.
So, suppose you’re experiencing a vivid sense of spatial awareness during your viewing session. In that case, it’s a good indication that you’re engaged in actual remote viewing. This spatial awareness can greatly enhance the level of detail and accuracy in your perceptions of the target.
8. Effective Blind Targeting
One of the most reliable methods to validate whether you’re remote viewing or simply using your imagination is through blind targeting. Blind targeting is when you’re given a target to view but not provided with any information about it. This is to prevent any conscious or subconscious influence on your perceptions.
In this scenario, you don’t know what you’re supposed to view until after the session, when your perceptions can be compared with the target data. If your perceptions match the target data, it strongly indicates that you’re effectively engaged in remote viewing.
This method may be challenging, especially for beginners, but it’s invaluable in honing your remote viewing skills. The practice will help you recognise the subtle differences between the sensations associated with genuine remote viewing and those related to imaginative constructs.
9. Accuracy And Detail
An important distinction between remote viewing and imagination lies in the accuracy and detail of the information received. When you’re remote viewing, the details you perceive may be incredibly specific and accurate, often relating to obscure or minute aspects of the target that you wouldn’t normally consider. You might perceive complex patterns, textures, or specific colours associated with the target.
In contrast, details imagined are often vague, generalized or influenced by popular representation and personal biases. They lack the precision and depth that characterize remote viewing.
When your viewing session provides highly detailed and accurate data that is subsequently validated against the actual target, it’s a strong signal that you’ve been remote viewing, not just imagining. Remember, the ultimate test of remote viewing is the accuracy of the information, not just the experience during the session. The aim is not just to perceive but to perceive correctly and accurately.
10. Time-Independent Information
One of the most fascinating aspects of remote viewing, setting it apart from imagination, is its independence from time. When you’re remote viewing, you can access information about the target that is not confined to the present moment. This means you might perceive future events or past occurrences related to the target that are verifiable.
In contrast, when using your imagination, your constructs are typically based on past experiences, expectations, or predictions. You’re bound by your understanding of linear time, and it’s unlikely that you would create scenarios outside this context without conscious effort.
So, when you receive time-independent information during a viewing session—details about the future or the past of the target location that you could not have known or guessed—it’s a clear sign that you’re engaged in remote viewing rather than imagination.
11. Conscious Control
A distinguishing factor between remote viewing and using your imagination is the level of conscious control you have over the process. When you’re engaged in remote viewing, the information appears spontaneously, without any conscious effort. In many ways, remote viewing is a receptive process where you’re basically an observer of the images or sensations that come to you. You don’t control what you see or experience; it just happens.
Contrarily, imagination is a creative process directed by your conscious mind. When you’re using your imagination, you can change the scene, construct new elements, or manipulate the narrative. It’s under your control and can follow your whims and wishes.
So, observing that the information you’re receiving is spontaneous and beyond your control indicates remote viewing. If the information is easily manipulated and consciously controlled, you’re likely using your imagination. Remember, the key to effective remote viewing lies in surrendering control and allowing the information to flow freely.
Final Mindful Thoughts
In conclusion, remote viewing is a profound and complex process that differs substantially from ordinary imagination. The key indicators of genuine remote viewing include a distinct sense of spatial awareness, effective blind targeting, high accuracy and detail in perceptions, time-independent information, and a lack of conscious control over the received data.
Developing a discerning mind for these signs will aid you in differentiating between actual remote viewing and simple, imaginative constructs.
The journey towards mastering remote viewing requires patience and practice, but the experience and insights gained are truly rewarding.
Remember, the aim is not just to perceive but to perceive correctly and accurately. Embrace the process, surrender control, and let the universe reveal its secrets.