While on our spiritual journey, there may be times when we seek divine guidance or assurance. This often leads us to ask one fundamental question: Is it okay to ask God for signs?
The Bible offers insight into this question, shedding light on the appropriateness and manner of seeking signs from God.
As a general rule, asking God for a sign is not inherently wrong. Everyone has different religions and beliefs, and staying true to your faith and following the doctrine of your church is the best way to believe in God without having to test his power by asking for signs.
This article aims to delve into biblical perspectives on this topic and explore different forms that these divine signs might take.

Is It Okay To Ask God For Signs?
According to the Bible, asking God for a sign is not inherently wrong. In Judges 6:36-40, Gideon asked God for a sign, and God provided it. However, the intent behind asking for a sign holds significant weight. If the request emerges from a genuine need for guidance, it aligns with God’s will. Yet, it’s important to remember that God communicates in various ways, and signs are just one of them. We should always be open to His wisdom and guidance in whatever form they may come, be it a quiet prompting in our hearts or through His Word in the scriptures.
I know as a young Catholic growing up, it was forbidden to ask God for signs. Still, as I have gotten older and developed a deeper relationship with God, I understand that we are all very individual and all with different levels of faith and belief systems.
If your heart is in the right place, your intentions are pure, and your relationship with God is strong, then it is not wrong to ask God for a sign if it feels right to you.
What Did Jesus Say About Signs And Wonders?
“An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah“
(Matt. 12:38-39)
This passage speaks to the purpose of signs. Jesus said an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign as proof or evidence to believe, but no such sign will be given. Instead, true faith should come from within without needing a miraculous sign from God. Moreover, Jesus often used signs to confirm his presence and power among those who already believed in Him. In other words, signs don’t create faith—they guarantee it.
Jesus Christ, in the New Testament, offers a nuanced perspective on signs and wonders. In John 4:48, Jesus expresses his concern about people who won’t believe unless they see signs and wonders, indicating that faith should not solely depend on miraculous happenings. However, the Gospels also record numerous instances where Jesus performs miracles, signs, and wonders to validate His identity and divine mission (John 2:11, Matthew 12:39).
It’s crucial to balance these teachings. While signs and wonders have a place in confirming God’s power and love, they should not replace a genuine and enduring faith nurtured through a personal relationship with God. Hence, when asking God for signs, our primary reliance should remain on His word and presence.
What Are Some Ways That God Can Provide Us With Signs?
God’s divine guidance and direction often come to us through dreams, visions, voices, coincidences or prophetic utterances. He always speaks to us if we are open to hearing and trusting Him.
The Bible also speaks of God delivering us from danger by providing us with signs:
“For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish” (Psalm 1:6)
In this passage, we see that God can provide a sign directly or use other people or circumstances as a sign of assurance and guidance in our lives.
If we seek some form of reassurance, we can also use the Bible to look for signs from God. The Bible is filled with stories and passages that point to God’s promises of provision, protection, and love. He often guides us through His Word if we diligently search for it and take it to heart.
Is It Okay To Ask God For What You Want?
Indeed, it is acceptable to ask God for what you desire. The Bible supports this notion through various passages, notably in Philippians 4:6, where Paul advises:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
This suggests that it’s not merely acceptable but encouraged to turn to God with our requests.
However, there is a critical nuance to understand. When we ask God what we want, we should do so with a heart open to His will. In Matthew 26:39, Jesus models this approach when He prays:
“My Father if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.”
This teaches us that while expressing our desires to God is okay, we should also express our willingness to accept His will, understanding that He knows what’s best for us.
Expressing our desires to God is a way of opening up and letting Him into our deepest thoughts, feelings, and desires. It’s about building a relationship of trust and intimacy. But at the same time, we must remember to seek His will and wisdom above our wants, as His plans for us often surpass our understanding. So, when asking God what you want, do so with humility, faith, and an open heart, ready to accept His will.
Final Mindful Thoughts
In conclusion, while the Bible does not expressly forbid asking God for signs, the intent and motive behind such requests matter. Asking for signs out of a genuine need for guidance and understanding differs from seeking signs merely as proof of His existence or power.
As believers, our faith should not hinge solely on the manifestation of signs and wonders. Instead, our faith should be rooted in God’s Word, love, and the promise of salvation.
Ultimately, God communicates in various ways—through His Word, prayer, other people, and yes, even signs and wonders. The key is to maintain an open heart and mind, always seeking His will above ours and listening for His guidance in all forms it may take.