Have you ever wondered if Clairvoyance is real? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have asked the same question and it turns out that there are some valid answers to this age-old query.
Clairvoyance, also known as “second sight” or “the power of seeing things beyond the physical realm”, is a form of extrasensory perception (ESP) in which a person possesses the ability to perceive information hidden from normal senses.
This can be done through visions, dreams, or other forms of spiritual communication with higher realms. It has been used for centuries by those seeking guidance on life decisions and many believe it to be an extremely powerful tool for personal growth and understanding.
However, while there are many genuine practitioners who use clairvoyant abilities responsibly and ethically, unfortunately, there are also fake clairvoyants out there whose only goal is to make money off unsuspecting victims.
To help you avoid being scammed by these charlatans we will explain what clairvoyance really entails and how to spot a fake when looking for assistance with your journey into the unknown world of ESP.

What Exactly Is Clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is the gift of being able to predict the future and gain insights into unseen realities. In addition to glimpsing into the future, a clairvoyant can perceive things like spirits, symbols, and energy fields, and receive visual warnings.
How Do I Become A Clairvoyant?
To develop Clairvoyance, it is important to eliminate negative thoughts and tendencies such as anxiety, doubt, and fear that can hinder its progress and completion. Reawakening Clairvoyance is not difficult if you follow this first step.
There are also many techniques and practices to help you along your journey. Meditation is a great way to explore the potential of your mind, and it can help open up your subconscious to allow greater access for psychic messages. You may even want to try special breathing exercises or visualizations that can help heighten the connection with the spiritual realm and bring clarity to clairvoyant messages.
How Do I Spot A Fake Clairvoyant?
While there are many genuine practitioners, it’s important to be aware of fraudulent ones too. Here are a few key things to look out for when trying to spot a fake:
• They require payment in advance and promise guaranteed results
• Their predictions come true too often or sound too specific
• They give generic answers to your questions
• They are insistent on the payment of additional fees for services.
Genuine clairvoyants will provide insightful, accurate guidance based on intuition and natural talents rather than a focus on material gain. When consulting with a Clairvoyant, it is important to trust your intuition and gut instinct, as it will help you to recognize if someone is truly gifted or merely a scam artist.
How Does A Clairvoyant Perceive?
Clairvoyants have the ability to perceive the future and other realities through their mind’s eye, often referred to as their third eye or sixth sense. They are able to interpret a person’s appearance and sense their emotions and feelings. This ability is associated with a part of the brain that becomes active during dreaming.
Do I Have Clairvoyance Abilities?
How can we determine if a person possesses the ability of clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is indicated when someone can mentally picture things. Possessing the gift of clairvoyance allows a person to gain insightful knowledge about someone on a personal level.
It is possible to communicate with clairvoyants and share your problems with them. They have the ability to provide assistance with people’s issues. Clairvoyance is linked with abilities such as retro-cognition, precognition, or sixth sense. Anyone who uses the right side of their brain can become a psychic or clairvoyant and read things like chakras and auras.
Psychics who have a strong sixth sense can use clairvoyance to see into the future and gain insight into our lives. By drawing on their exceptional abilities, they can act as guides and provide guidance on our future and the realities of life.
Difference Between Clairvoyance and Clairsentient
Clairvoyance and Clairsentience are two of the most widely known ESPs (extrasensory perceptions). While they have some similarities, there are also clear differences between them.
Clairvoyance is the ability to gain insight or knowledge about a person, event, or situation through visions or spiritual communication with higher realms. It is associated with the right hemisphere of the brain known as the intuitive or spiritual side.
On the other hand, Clairsentience is a form of extrasensory perception in which a person has the ability to perceive information through sensing vibrations and energy fields. This ESP is also known as “the power of feeling” and it is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain known as the analytical or logical side.
The key difference between Clairvoyance and Clairsentience is that Clairvoyants use their intuitive powers to gain insight while clairsentients use their feelings to understand situations.
Clairsentience is a supernatural ability that goes beyond our understanding of the physical world. It relates to being able to sense and feel physical and emotional sensations and is often associated with divine guidance.
Clairsentience is a metaphysical sense, similar to other senses like Clairvoyance (clear seeing) and Clairaudience (clear hearing). However, Clairsentience specifically refers to the ability to have clear feelings.
Can Clairvoyants See Auras?
The term “aura” refers to the energy field that surrounds a person. A clairvoyant is able to see and interpret this aura. There are seven layers that make up the aura, each with its own distinct frequency. These layers are interconnected and have an impact on our emotions, feelings, health, thoughts, and behaviour.
When a clairvoyant has a psychic revelation, they see something similar to a movie scene.
What Is A Psychometric?
Now, let’s talk about Psychometry – a practice where practitioners receive strong intuitive signals. With practice and experience, one can become an expert in this art.
Psychometry is a form of extrasensory perception in which a person can gain insights and information about an object or person by touching or being near them. It is believed that certain objects and people hold onto energy imprints from their past, present, and future experiences – and psychometry allows a person to access these impressions.
Can Anyone Become A Clairvoyant?
Developing clairvoyance requires hard work and dedication. However, it’s essential to remember that it takes time to learn, and impatience can lead to failure.
Anyone can become a clairvoyant. With the right guidance and practice, it is possible to awaken and hone your natural ability to gain insight through visions or spiritual communication. You do not necessarily need any special gifts or powers to achieve this, just a willingness to learn, trust in yourself, and an open mind.
It is also important to remember that everyone’s journey with Clairvoyance is unique, as we all have different levels of intuition and natural ability. With patience and dedication, you can begin to explore the possibilities of Clairvoyance and start to gain insight into yourself and the world around you.
Although intuition is a powerful trait of the human brain, it is often inactive in most people. However, it can be developed through hard work and is a natural ability that allows us to have an understanding of facts, events, things, and principles.
When you sense that you are having intuitive thoughts, it’s important to sharpen, clarify, and increase their frequency to improve your intuition.
To attain Clairvoyance, which involves seeing into the future and other aspects of life using the third eye, one must follow certain rules or instructions.
When a person opens their third eye or develops their clairvoyance, they may experience several changes, such as having clearer psychic visions, hearing sounds or voices, experiencing more vivid dreams, and having an increased ability for telepathy.
Final Mindful Thoughts
Clairvoyance is a powerful and mysterious ability that can be developed with practice, dedication, and an open mind. It’s important to understand the difference between Clairvoyance and Clairsentience in order to determine which type of ESP you possess or are trying to develop.
Whether it’s seeing into the future through visions or sensing vibrations from people and objects around us, understanding how our brain works allows us to tap into this power within ourselves.
With patience, guidance, and hard work, anyone can become clairvoyant while gaining insight into their own life as well as others.