Today, I’d like to delve into a concept that’s close to my heart and, I believe, essential to our lives: faith.
When I say faith, it might conjure up images of religious doctrines and divine entities. But let’s take a step back. I want us to explore faith from a broader perspective, focusing on the faith within ourselves.
As a general rule, faith is believing in something, without hard evidence or scientific proof. For example, this could mean having faith in yourself; believing that your decisions and actions are worthwhile and will bring you success.
On the surface, faith may seem like a religious concept that requires belief in a higher power. But truth be told, you don’t need to believe in any god or religion to have faith. You can find it within yourself and the world around you.
Faith is a beacon of hope, resilience, and self-confidence, independent of any religious context. In this article, let’s consider faith outside religion and discuss examples of faith in everyday life.

What Exactly Is Fatih?
So, what exactly is faith? I believe faith is an unwavering belief in ourselves and our potential. It’s the trust we place in our abilities to navigate life’s challenges and the conviction that we can achieve our goals, no matter how lofty they seem.
Faith isn’t about believing in the impossible but the possible. It’s not about defying logic but trusting our intuition and inherent strength. It’s about knowing that even if we fall, we can rise again, stronger and wiser.
9 Examples Of Non-Religious Faith
We can have faith in many things, not just religious doctrine or a divine entity.
Here are some examples of faith in action in everyday life.
1. Overcoming Self-Doubt
When embodying faith in ourselves, the first hurdle we often face is self-doubt. That nagging voice questioning our abilities undermines our efforts and fuels our fears. But remember, faith is about trusting ourselves, even when uncertainty looms.
Overcoming self-doubt starts with recognising its presence and acknowledging its impact on our lives. Once we do this, we can begin challenging these doubts with evidence of our accomplishments and inherent strength. We can remind ourselves of the obstacles we’ve overcome, the challenges we’ve surmounted, and the resilience we’ve shown in the face of adversity.
It’s also important to surround ourselves with positivity — people who believe in us, encourage us and remind us of our worth when we forget it ourselves. By doing so, we build our faith, drown out the voice of self-doubt, and pave the way for a more confident, self-assured life. Remember, faith in oneself is a journey, not a destination. It’s about continuous growth, self-improvement, and the relentless pursuit of our dreams.
2. Pursuing A New Career Path
Pursuing a new career path is another example of having faith in yourself. It’s about taking that leap of faith, stepping into the unknown, and trusting your abilities to succeed. The decision to change careers often involves leaving the comfort and security of the familiar, which can be a daunting prospect. But this is where faith comes in.
Faith in yourself means believing in your potential, skills, and passion. It’s about trusting that you have what it takes to navigate this new path, learn, adapt, and grow. It’s about being open to new experiences and opportunities and trusting that you have the resilience and strength to bounce back even if things don’t go according to plan.
Remember, every new journey starts with a single step, and that step is often the hardest. But by having faith in yourself, you can muster the courage to take that step, embrace change, and embark on a new career path with confidence and determination. This is faith in action – believing in your potential, trusting in your journey, and having the courage to pursue your dreams.
3. Embracing Change
Change is a constant in life, yet many resist and fear it. Humans are creatures of habit, finding comfort in routine and predictability. But faith plays a pivotal role in how we perceive and handle change. Embracing change requires faith in oneself and one’s ability to adapt and overcome new circumstances.
When we embrace change, we say, ‘I trust myself to handle whatever comes.’ We have faith in our adaptability, resilience, and resourcefulness. We believe that even if the road ahead is uncertain or challenging, we possess the inner strength and wisdom to navigate it. We accept that while we may not control every aspect of our lives, we govern how we react to them.
Remember, embracing change doesn’t mean carelessly throwing ourselves into every new situation without thought or planning. It’s about discerning which changes align with our values and goals and having the courage to pursue them.
So, take a moment to reflect on the changes happening in your life. Recognise the potential they hold for growth and new experiences. Trust your strength and resilience, and embrace the change with open arms. This is another way we practice faith in ourselves every day.
4. Forgiving And Letting Go
Another profound example of having faith in oneself is forgiving and letting go. This can be one of the most challenging tasks, yet it is a palpable manifestation of personal faith. It takes a strong person to say, ‘I’m hurt,’ but it takes an even stronger person to forgive and allow healing to begin.
Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning the wrong done to us. It’s about liberating ourselves from bitterness, resentment, and anger. It’s about believing in our strength and resilience to withstand the storm, learn from the experience, and move forward with grace and dignity. This process requires a profound faith in our ability to heal, grow, and reclaim our peace of mind.
On the other hand, letting go is about releasing our grip on past regrets, disappointments, and fears that no longer serve us. It’s about trusting that we can weather life’s storms, learn from our past, and forge a brighter, more fulfilling future. It’s a testament to our faith in our resilience, adaptability, and capacity for growth and transformation.
So, as we navigate our journey of self-faith, let us strive to forgive, to let go, and to embrace the freedom and peace that comes with it. Remember, every act of forgiveness is a vote of confidence in ourselves, a testament to our strength, and a stepping-stone on our path of faith and self-discovery.
5. Training For A Marathon
Training for a marathon is yet another demonstration of faith in oneself. It’s about setting a challenging goal and trusting in your ability. While the journey is physically demanding, the mental challenges—the self-doubt, the temptation to quit—are often the hardest to overcome.
Faith plays a crucial role in this endeavour. It’s faith that gets you up for those early morning runs when the bed is tempting, pushes you to run that extra mile when your legs are screaming in exhaustion, and propels you forward when the finish line seems too far away.
Running a marathon isn’t just about physical endurance; it’s a testament to mental toughness, determination, and unwavering belief in oneself. So, lace up those running shoes, set your sight on the finish line, and let your faith in yourself guide you every step of the way.
Whether you finish first or last isn’t the point—the victory lies in the endeavour itself, the commitment to keep going no matter what, and the faith to start such an ambitious journey in the first place. This is the very essence of faith in action.
6. Starting A Business
Starting a business is another formidable testament of faith in oneself. The road to entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted; it’s a path laden with unpredictability, challenges, and risk. But it’s also a journey filled with potential, creativity, and the allure of making a mark in the world.
When you start a business, you’re essentially betting on yourself, your vision, and your abilities. It takes faith to believe in your idea, to invest your time, energy, and resources into something with no guaranteed outcome. It’s about trusting your potential to create something valuable, solve a problem, and make a meaningful impact.
Every decision, every strategy, every risk taken in the realm of business stems from a deep-seated faith in one’s abilities. From innovating a product and crafting a business plan to pitching to investors, it all requires immense confidence and belief in oneself.
So if you are contemplating the entrepreneurial journey, know it takes faith. It takes dedication to dream, act, persevere, and rise above the challenges. It’s about having the courage to leap, the tenacity to keep going, and the resilience to adapt and learn.
Starting a business, then, is not just about economic gain—it’s about personal growth, challenging the status quo, and the audacity to bring your vision to life. This is yet another manifestation of faith in oneself, proof of what we can achieve when we dare to believe in our potential and trust in our journey.
7. Returning To Education
Returning to education as an adult is another powerful demonstration of self-faith. Whether pursuing a degree, learning a new skill, or simply engaging in lifelong learning for personal enrichment, it’s a courageous endeavour that requires a deep belief in oneself.
Education is a journey of exploration, discovery, and growth. It challenges our perspectives, invites us to question, think critically, and engage with the world more profoundly and meaningfully. When we decide to return to education, we are betting on our capacity to learn, adapt, and thrive in new academic environments.
This journey might be daunting, filled with doubts and fears about balancing commitments, coping with academic rigour, or fitting in. Yet it is faith in oneself that propels us forward. It’s the belief that we can overcome these challenges, excel in our studies, and achieve our educational goals.
So, if you’re contemplating returning to education, remember it’s a journey of faith. It’s about trusting your abilities, potential, and resilience. And remember, the pursuit of knowledge is not merely for career advancement – it’s a testament to our innate curiosity, desire to grow, and belief in lifelong learning. This is faith in action – the faith in ourselves to embark on a journey of intellectual discovery and personal growth.
8. Rebuilding After Loss
Experiencing loss is an inevitable part of the human experience. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a career setback, such moments can be deeply disorienting and painful. Yet, in these testing times, faith in ourselves can guide us through the tumultuous waves of grief and towards the shores of healing and renewal.
Rebuilding after loss is a journey that requires immense faith. It’s about believing you have the strength to endure the pain, the wisdom to learn from the experience, and the resilience to rebuild your life piece by piece. This process is not linear; it’s filled with ebbs and flows, days of progress, and moments of setbacks. Yet, the unwavering faith in your capacity to heal keeps you moving forward.
This journey of rebuilding is not about replacing what’s lost; instead, it’s about creating something new, something meaningful in the wake of loss. It’s about opening your heart to new experiences, embracing change, and finding the courage to step into your future.
Loss is a part of life but does not define our lives. As we navigate the journey of healing and rebuilding, let us remember to have faith in ourselves, our resilience, and our capacity to grow from our experiences. This is faith in action – faith in ourselves to rise, rebuild, and find hope and joy again.
9. Trusting In Friendship
Trust in a friendship is another potent example of non-religious faith in action. When we form deep connections with others, we place confidence in their trustworthiness, reliability, and care for us. This faith is not based on religious beliefs but on our experiences and interactions with the other person.
A faithful friendship stands the test of time, weathering storms of disagreement, distances, and changes. It requires mutual respect, open communication, and unconditional support. We place faith in our friends’ intentions and expect them to do the same for us, even during times of misunderstanding or conflict.
So, when we value and maintain our friendships despite the challenges and changes life throws at us, we are demonstrating faith. We are showing faith in the power of human connection, the strength of reciprocal respect, and the bond that sincere and honest friendship offers.
This faith is not predicated on religious teachings but on our trust and belief in each other. It’s another evidence of the power of non-religious faith in our everyday lives.
Faith in ourselves, faith in others, and faith that our relationships will carry us through the day. This is faith in action – learning to trust in the power of friendship and connection.
Final Mindful Thoughts
At its core, faith is a deeply personal experience; it’s unique for each individual. Whether religious or non-religious, it’s an unwavering belief that we can overcome our challenges, learn from our experiences, and rebuild our lives in meaningful ways.
We find faith in ourselves, others, and relationships—a testament to trust and respect. We place faith in our dreams, abilities, and the journey ahead. This is faith in action—trusting in our potential and daring to believe we can achieve great things.
This is why faith is so important in life—it’s a reminder to trust ourselves, speak up for ourselves, and never give up on our dreams. It’s about believing that no matter the obstacles, we can overcome them and create positive change for ourselves and the world.
This is what faith is; believing in our potential to live with courage and purpose. May we all have faith in ourselves, no matter the journey ahead.