Sibling rivalry, a topic many of us can relate to, is an intricate part of family dynamics. As one who has experienced this first-hand, I can attest to the normality of feeling competitive with your siblings.
You may wonder why this competitiveness arises and how to navigate it effectively. There can be instances where the competition turns unhealthy, stirring potent emotions and impacting relationships.
As a general rule, competition between siblings is a natural occurrence. It’s a part of human nature to compare ourselves with others, especially those closest to us. Our siblings are often our first competitors in life – vying for parental attention, excelling in school, or being the fastest in sports.
Understanding the root cause of sibling rivalry and identifying strategies to manage it is essential for healthy family relationships.
Being the youngest of seven children, I will delve into the fascinating world of sibling relationships and rivalry in this article.

Why Do My Siblings Compete With Me?
Siblings often compete with each other due to an innate desire for parental attention and approval. As children, we crave validation from our parents; it’s a key part of our psychological development.
When there are multiple children in the family, it’s only natural that we compete for that attention. This competition can continue into adulthood as we strive to be seen as successful in the eyes of our parents.
However, it’s important to remember that competition is not inherently wrong. When managed properly, it can fuel personal growth and resilience.
But if it goes unchecked, it can breed resentment and create rifts within the family.
Is it Normal for Siblings to Compete?
Sibling competition is an entirely normal aspect of family life. It emerges as a natural outcome of sibling relationships and can significantly impact shaping personalities and character.
However, it’s important to distinguish between healthy competition, fostering resilience and ambition, and unhealthy competition, leading to strained relationships.
As siblings, we may compete in academics and sports or even vie for our parent’s attention and approval. It’s not the competition itself that’s problematic, but how it’s managed and perceived.
Hence, understanding and establishing boundaries can help maintain a balance and ensure sibling competition contributes to personal growth rather than discord.
Why Do I Feel Competitive With My Siblings?
Feeling competitive with your siblings can often be attributed to the natural dynamic of sibling relationships. From early childhood, we are in a continuous process of self-definition, trying to understand our place within the family and, by extension, the world. Being the closest in age and shared experiences, our siblings become our natural benchmark.
We may compare our achievements, physical attributes, and personalities against our siblings. This constant drive to measure up can lead to feelings of competitiveness.
Additionally, societal and parental expectations can sometimes fuel this competition, consciously or unconsciously. For example, parents may compare academic performance or physical prowess between siblings, leading to feelings of rivalry.
Remember, it’s normal to feel competitive with your siblings. However, healthily channelling this competition is essential, fostering mutual growth instead of creating a chasm. Understanding our feelings and addressing them openly can mitigate the negative impact of sibling competition.
How Do You Deal With Competitive Siblings?
Dealing effectively with competitive siblings involves understanding, communication, and boundary setting.
- Understanding is the first step. Recognise that competitiveness is a part of human nature and sibling relationships. It’s important to comprehend that it’s not about ‘winning’ or ‘losing’ but about personal growth, and each sibling has a unique path in life.
- Open Communication is crucial as well. Express your feelings without blame, using “I” statements (for example, “I feel upset when I am compared with…”), and listen to your sibling’s perspective too. This mutual exchange can build empathy and reduce animosity.
- Setting Boundaries can reduce competitive friction. Each sibling should respect the other’s individuality and achievements without feeling threatened. Celebrate each other’s successes and avoid comparisons. After all, we are unique individuals with our distinctive strengths and weaknesses.
- Seeking Professional Help if competition becomes overwhelming is a good idea. Therapists or counsellors can provide strategies and tools to manage sibling rivalry, helping to repair and strengthen the sibling bond.
Dealing with competitive siblings requires patience, understanding, and mutual respect. Recognising that competition can catalyse individual growth can help transform sibling rivalry into a stronger, more supportive relationship.
What is the Root Cause of Sibling Rivalry?
At its core, sibling rivalry is rooted in several factors.
Firstly, it’s often linked to parental attention and approval. The desire for this ‘resource’ can create competition between siblings as they strive to be seen as successful in their parents’ eyes.
Secondly, it can be linked to the natural dynamics of sibling relationships. We compare our achievements and physical attributes with our siblings’, making us feel competitive.
Finally, societal expectations can also drive competitiveness among siblings. Parents may consciously or unconsciously compare one child’s academic performance or physical prowess against their siblings, leading to feelings of rivalry.
What is Unhealthy Competition Between Siblings?
Unhealthy competition between siblings generally stems from a rivalry that has escalated unchecked, resulting in resentment, jealousy, and animosity. This form of competition can be destructive and detrimental to the sibling relationship. It often manifests as persistent one-upmanship, constant comparison, or feelings of inadequacy and resentment.
In unhealthy competition, there’s a focus on winning or being superior rather than growth or self-improvement. Siblings might constantly compare themselves and base their self-worth on outshining the other. It might involve one sibling trying to outperform the other in various spheres, be it academics, sports, or popularity, leading to significant stress and anxiety.
Another sign of unhealthy competition is when one sibling’s achievements are diminished or overlooked because of the other sibling’s accomplishments. This can lead to feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem, and resentment. The sibling who is often overlooked may start feeling invisible or inadequate, affecting their mental well-being.
Addressing unhealthy competition involves fostering a family environment that celebrates individual strengths, encourages mutual respect, and discourages comparison. It’s about nurturing individuality and understanding that each child is unique and has their own pace of development. The goal should be to promote healthy, supportive relationships between siblings where they can grow and thrive together.
Final Mindful Thoughts
Sibling competition is a common aspect of family dynamics, born from a natural desire for affirmation, attention, and individual growth.
While a healthy level of competition can foster resilience, ambition, and strong work ethics, it must be kept in check to avoid escalating into unhealthy rivalry characterised by hostility, constant comparison, and animosity.
Parents and guardians must cultivate an environment that encourages mutual respect, individuality, and open communication. Recognising and addressing competitive feelings among siblings can go a long way in strengthening bonds, nurturing individual strengths, and creating a harmonious family environment.
Understanding that everyone has a unique path and pace of growth can help alleviate the stress of competition and foster positive sibling relationships. After all, our siblings are not our competition but our allies in life’s journey.